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Pursuant to 10 United States Code chapter 13, all citizens not counted as members of the armed forces or otherwise exempt or barred by law from military service are members of the unorganized militia. The unorganized militia may be called to service by the governor of the State of Texas to aide state authorities in the lawful execution of their duties, or by general consensus of the population should the state fail in the execution of its constitutional duties. 



State Organization

Each unit shall consist of no less than one company commanded by a Captain and First Sergeant. A state authority consisting of a board of directors shall convene regularly on matters affecting two or more companies. The board shall consist of company commanders each having one vote, and matters shall be decided upon a two-thirds majority of all voting members. A chairman of the board shall be elected yearly to convene meetings of the board and mediate discussion with no other authority outside his/her one vote. Should a board member be unable to attend a board meeting they shall delegate another board member to proxy vote upon verification by no less than one other member of the board. 


Company Organization

Each company shall consist of no less than a commander holding the rank of Captain and one four man fireteam led by a Sergeant. When a unit reaches four fireteams, they will separate into two squads of two fireteams, each commanded directly by a Staff Sergeant 

Membership and Leadership Standards


Commissioned Officers

Oath of Office:“I, _____, having been appointed an officer in the Texas State Militia, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Texas against all enemies, foreign or domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God.” 


Unit Composition:

New units outside the TSM are created in the following manner:

  • Potential new unit CO is supervised in activity by the Regional Director (RD) in that area.

  • The new unit and new unit CO will train directly with the nearest established TSM unit.

  • When the RD deems the new unit CO is capable enough to operate autonomously in accordance to the TSM bylaws to the RD’s satisfaction the RD brings the new unit CO to the Board of COs for interviewing.

  • A vote is taken by the Board of COs at the conclusion of the interview to decide whether or not to make the new unit CO a formally recognized TSM CO.

New units inside the TSM are created in the following manner:

  • Once a specific unit/team reaches a member roster of two squads (16 people) they have the option of becoming their own dedicated TSM unit with a CO that is voted into position by the members of that unit/team. This is an optional separation if the local CO finds it prudent and NOT a mandatory separation. A unit CO will be voted in with a 2/3 majority vote of the new unit members.

  • At the conclusion of the vote an announcement will be made on the CO page informing the Board of COs of the new unit, and the vote record of the vote for that CO.


Unit Composition:

    New units outside the TSM are created in the following manner:

  • Potential new unit CO is supervised in activity by the Regional Director (RD) in that area.

  • The new unit and new unit CO will train directly with the nearest established TSM unit.

  • When the RD deems the new unit CO is capable enough to operate autonomously in accordance to the TSM bylaws to the RD’s satisfaction the RD brings the new unit CO to the Board of COs for interviewing.

  • A vote is taken by the Board of COs at the conclusion of the interview to decide whether or not to make the new unit CO a formally recognized TSM CO.


New units inside the TSM are created in the following manner:

  • Once a specific unit/team reaches a member roster of two squads (16 people) they have the option of becoming their own dedicated TSM unit with a CO that is voted into position by the members of that unit/team. This is an optional separation if the local CO finds it prudent and NOT a mandatory separation. A unit CO will be voted in with a 2/3 majority vote of the new unit members.

  • At the conclusion of the vote an announcement will be made on the CO page informing the Board of COs of the new unit, and the vote record of the vote for that CO.


Removal / Dismissal of a TSM Commanding Officer (CO)

  • A TSM CO may be removed in one of two ways:

    • Any TSM unit member may bring before the CO board (either via another CO or the Regional Director in that area) a grievance made by another CO in accordance to “Just Cause”. If necessary the CO Board will appoint a 3-person investigatory panel made of up COs not involved with the grievance to ascertain the severity of the grievance. Once the investigation has been concluded the results will be brought to the CO Board for discussion, and if necessary a vote. A CO would then be removed by a 2/3 majority decision of the CO Board Note: “Just Cause” encompasses:

      • gross negligence possibly resulting in the injury/death of unit members,

      • severe dereliction of duty,

      • grievous violation of the law or TSM Bylaws.  

      • A Unit CO may be removed by his / hers unit members with a 2/3 majority vote once a year in April, unless the violation of the Unit CO is severe enough to warrant further investigation by the CO Board. The new CO will be subject to final approval by the CO Board, and if approved by the Board will take command of the unit effective June 1st the following month. Note: If the grievance causing the vote of the unit members is found by the CO Board to be slanderous, harassing, or false then the CO Board will investigate the source of the grievance and if required administer a judicial action against the person responsible for the false grievance.



All citizens are eligible for commissioned officer status. Candidates must have no criminal background, be of sound mind and body, and able to discharge the duties of a commissioned officer. Military service is not required but a thorough understanding of military theory and conduct is necessary. Candidates must demonstrate a general competency in the fields of leadership, administration, basic soldier skills, and light infantry tactics and strategy. 



Commissioned officers carry the ultimate responsibility of command, directly assuming liability for the training, equipment, conduct, and livelihoods of troops as well as citizens within the area of operations of Texas State Militia. Authority of command is derived from the imminent need for informed and impartial decision making and extends solely to facilitate commanders in the execution of the mission of Texas State Militia. Commanders will at all times conduct themselves accordingly. 


Enlisted Personnel

Oath of Enlistment:

“I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Texas against all enemies, foreign or domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will abide by the Texas State Militia bylaws, and follow the orders of the officers appointed over me. That I will willing and faithfully discharge the duties of the position upon which I am about to enter.” 



All citizens are eligible for enlisted service in Texas State Militia. Candidates must have no serious criminal background, be of sound mind and body, and able to participate and learn the duties of enlisted militia personnel. No prior experience is required however recruits must be able to attend training and willing to learn basic infantry skills. Recruits need no gear, however they must be willing to acquire minimal items to facilitate their service in Texas State Militia. 



Unless otherwise specified, recruits will enter Texas State Militia at the rank of Private, eligible for promotion to the rank of Sergeant after completing Advanced Training Level 2. Candidates eligible for immediate placement in a team leader position will be evaluated by company commanders on a case by case basis if prior military or other service exceeds the standards of Militia Basic Training. Militia enlisted personnel will be responsible for furnishing their own food, gear, ammunition and other necessary materials for training and deployments, however this may be pursued as finances permit after the recruit has joined Texas State Militia. A minimum attendance of meetings and trainings will be required to maintain membership as well as a continuous pursuit of learning basic soldier skills. 


Recruiting Procedures

Potential recruits will be contacted as soon as possible by the webmaster and sent to their respective company commanders to be evaluated for background, experience and leadership potential. Provided candidates have no serious criminal background and are able to make required trainings they will be immediately assigned to the unit located closest to their contact address. If candidates can demonstrate a thorough understanding and ability to execute the requirements of a leadership role they will be commissioned at the appropriate rank and introduced at the next company meeting. 



Redress of Grievances

Lawful orders within the jurisdiction of Texas State Militia command shall be carried out upon receipt without immediate recourse provided they do not present a danger to the life, limb, or property of law abiding individuals. For redress of grievances an open-door policy shall be held by all enlisted and commissioned members of Texas State Militia and any orders found to be in violation of established policy shall be immediately rescinded or corrected by the appropriate level of command. Violation of Texas State Militia guidelines is punishable by corrective action to include immediate dismissal from service.

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